Art De La Guerre V4

ADLG Version 4.0

Wargaming rules - Ancient and Medieval - Hervé Caille

  • UMPIRES, check tournament results file HERE before sending it to thierry/b
    Photo: Thierry Molière

    Statistics 2024-06-30

    The statistics section contains the results of all Art de la Guerre games played during a tournament or an official game. It allows to consult players’ results and armies’ results. Each player has an ELO ranking and a championship ranking (refer to the document about tournament organisation).

    You can consult the statistics by selecting an event (tournament or game), an army or a player. By clicking on the links, you will then get the details of the games for a tournament, for an army or for a player.

    Event Details : ROLL CALL 2023 15MM ( Great Britain) - Roman Period


    RankingScoreChampionshipPlayer N°FirstnameLastnameArmy N°ArmyARM_IDSArmy/Armies
  • Huns
  • 2365123.001133GeorgeLINARDOS88Patrician Roman88
  • Patrician Roman
  • 3361118.001308PaulDAWSON110Huns110
  • Huns
  • 4360120.00769RichardCASE87Late Imperial Roman87
  • Late Imperial Roman
  • 5327-28.001220MarcoBARONI87Late Imperial Roman87
  • Late Imperial Roman
  • 630960.00713DarrellPEARCE110Huns110
  • Huns
  • 730643.001721LanceFLINT61Hellenistic Greek61
  • Hellenistic Greek
  • 830445.001015NikSHARP71Armenian71
  • Armenian
  • 930021.001318RobertTAYLOR86Middle Imperial Roman86
  • Middle Imperial Roman
  • 1029717.00710DaveSAUNDERS87Late Imperial Roman87
  • Late Imperial Roman
  • 1128949.001017DavidROBERTS88Patrician Roman88
  • Patrician Roman
  • 1228824.00711HarrisonPEARCE110Huns110
  • Huns
  • 1328423.001418SteveNICE42Seleucid42
  • Seleucid
  • 14269-24.00858MikeBENNETT55Carthaginian55
  • Carthaginian
  • 15255-6.00485JesseSCHOOR87Late Imperial Roman87
  • Late Imperial Roman
  • 16250-68.001509FrazerWATSON72Galatian72
  • Galatian
  • 17249-22.001468AndrewELLIS55Carthaginian55
  • Carthaginian
  • 182456.00708PeterWEBB44Pyrrhic44
  • Pyrrhic
  • 192427.00715GordonJAMIESON56Numidian56
  • Numidian
  • 20241-21.001583PhilipPOWELL43Ptolemaic43
  • Ptolemaic
  • 21239-62.00712TimPORTER89Gallic89
  • Gallic
  • 2222111.00489GavinMCKENZIE42Seleucid42
  • Seleucid
  • 23218-6.001234MartynBOLTON88Patrician Roman88
  • Patrician Roman
  • 24191-62.001310DaveMADIGAN43Ptolemaic43
  • Ptolemaic
  • 25186-13.001489KevinELLIS110Huns110
  • Huns
  • 26174-50.00872SimonFINNEY87Late Imperial Roman87
  • Late Imperial Roman
  • 27174-73.001553ThrasyvoulosDRAKOULIS71Armenian71
  • Armenian
  • 28161-92.001536PeteSANGER53Republican Roman53
  • Republican Roman
  • 29128-91.00800IanMACKAY87Late Imperial Roman87
  • Late Imperial Roman
  • 30125-93.001483IanSEWELL89Gallic89
  • Gallic