Art De La Guerre V4

ADLG Version 4.0

Wargaming rules - Ancient and Medieval - Hervé Caille

  • UMPIRES, check tournament results file HERE before sending it to thierry/b
    Photo: Thierry Molière

    Statistics 2024-06-30

    The statistics section contains the results of all Art de la Guerre games played during a tournament or an official game. It allows to consult players’ results and armies’ results. Each player has an ELO ranking and a championship ranking (refer to the document about tournament organisation).

    You can consult the statistics by selecting an event (tournament or game), an army or a player. By clicking on the links, you will then get the details of the games for a tournament, for an army or for a player.

    Event Details : SCOTTISH OPEN 2018 ( Great Britain) - Other theme


    RankingScoreChampionshipPlayer N°FirstnameLastnameArmy N°ArmyARM_IDSArmy/Armies
    1448233.001337DaxROBERTSON17Ancient Bedouin17
  • Ancient Bedouin
  • 239177.00710DaveSAUNDERS40Alexander the Great40
  • Alexander the Great
  • 3381109.00715GordonJAMIESON199Dailami Dynasties199
  • Dailami Dynasties
  • 437195.00833MarkTAYLOR79Classical Indian79
  • Classical Indian
  • 53358.001318RobertTAYLOR127Nikephorian Byzantine127
  • Nikephorian Byzantine
  • 633289.001220MarcoBARONI86Middle Imperial Roman86
  • Middle Imperial Roman
  • 732268.00910DaveALLEN201Ghaznavid201
  • Ghaznavid
  • 8316-18.00486AlanCUTNER201Ghaznavid201
  • Ghaznavid
  • 9314-45.00566JulianLOPEZ107Kushan107
  • Kushan
  • 1031423.001168GaryLIND89Gallic89
  • Gallic
  • 1128821.00832MikeKEMP148Merovingian Frankish148
  • Merovingian Frankish
  • 12270-47.001161GraemeCARROLL42Seleucid42
  • Seleucid
  • 13269-14.001221Ex-player122118Syrian City States18
  • Syrian City States
  • 142572.001219JohnMUIR223Goryeo Korean223
  • Goryeo Korean
  • 15248-9.00835GeorgeDICK84Slave revolts84
  • Slave revolts
  • 1624711.001363DavePATERSON53Republican Roman53
  • Republican Roman
  • 17245-14.00836BillROBERTSON79Classical Indian79
  • Classical Indian
  • 1824426.001170AndyMCGEARY55Carthaginian55
  • Carthaginian
  • 192424.001129JohnMACPHAIL109Sassanid Persian109
  • Sassanid Persian
  • 2024016.001131GordonMILLER40Alexander the Great40
  • Alexander the Great
  • 21238-8.001167DaveMORRISON9Assyrian Empire and Sargonid9
  • Assyrian Empire and Sargonid
  • 22238-20.001158MalcolmGORDON166Christian Nubian166
  • Christian Nubian
  • 23217-1.001364BillRAMSAY40Alexander the Great40
  • Alexander the Great
  • 24211-2.001086MichaelWILLIAMS40Alexander the Great40
  • Alexander the Great
  • 25202-13.001222BobMIDDLEMIST179Norman179
  • Norman
  • 26196-54.001172SandyDEWAR44Pyrrhic44
  • Pyrrhic
  • 27193-85.001127JohnCONLEY98Ancient British98
  • Ancient British
  • 28192-44.001171GrahamSHORT41Early Successors41
  • Early Successors
  • 29168-93.001319ChrisPROUDFOOT128Armenian Principality128
  • Armenian Principality
  • 30137-8.001169BillWILSON106Palmyran106
  • Palmyran
  • 31132-90.00837RobPOOLEY54Early Carthaginian54
  • Early Carthaginian
  • 32115-51.00834HughCAMERON86Middle Imperial Roman86
  • Middle Imperial Roman