Art De La Guerre V4

ADLG Version 4.0

Wargaming rules - Ancient and Medieval - Hervé Caille

  • UMPIRES, check tournament results file HERE before sending it to thierry/b
    Photo: Thierry Molière

    Statistics 2024-06-30

    The statistics section contains the results of all Art de la Guerre games played during a tournament or an official game. It allows to consult players’ results and armies’ results. Each player has an ELO ranking and a championship ranking (refer to the document about tournament organisation).

    You can consult the statistics by selecting an event (tournament or game), an army or a player. By clicking on the links, you will then get the details of the games for a tournament, for an army or for a player.

    Event Details : PADOVA 2024 ( Italia) - Age F?odal


    RankingScoreChampionshipPlayer N°FirstnameLastnameArmy N°ArmyARM_IDSArmy/Armies
  • Berber
  • 234097.001638PaoloVIGNA229Mongol Empire229
  • Mongol Empire
  • 3334122.001298MarcoMONDIN191Feudal German191
  • Feudal German
  • 433375.00685MicheleD AGOSTINO258Later Byzantine258
  • Later Byzantine
  • 5331-15.00681CiroCACCAVIELLO193Komnenan Byzantine193
  • Komnenan Byzantine
  • 632641.001497GiuseppeTIRRITO188Kingdom of Sicily 188
  • Kingdom of Sicily
  • 732320.00778AlessandroCORTINOVIS193Komnenan Byzantine193
  • Komnenan Byzantine
  • 831215.001527DiegoZULLICH204Taifa Kingdoms204
  • Taifa Kingdoms
  • 93086.001528MatteoPASI211Berber211
  • Berber
  • 1029879.001521GuidoLAVESPA257Second Bulgarian Empire257
  • Second Bulgarian Empire
  • 1129440.00898AlbertoSAVI190Feudal Spanish190
  • Feudal Spanish
  • 1229310.001496GianlucaCANEPARI189Communal Italian189
  • Communal Italian
  • 1328222.001453FilippoMORISI220Teutonic Knights220
  • Teutonic Knights
  • 1427039.00780RobertoRICAMO188Kingdom of Sicily 188
  • Kingdom of Sicily
  • 15256-18.00897FedericoVIT218Feudal Scandinavian218
  • Feudal Scandinavian
  • 16252-6.001495GiorgioCANEPARI218Feudal Scandinavian218
  • Feudal Scandinavian
  • 1724824.001455AmbrogioCARNAGHI220Teutonic Knights220
  • Teutonic Knights
  • 1824738.001498RiccardoTIRRITO229Mongol Empire229
  • Mongol Empire
  • 1924315.001428AlessandroMIGUEZ204Taifa Kingdoms204
  • Taifa Kingdoms
  • 20214-40.001639AlanMELANDRI155Viking and Leidang155
  • Viking and Leidang
  • 21210-37.00919AlbertoMARINI190Feudal Spanish190
  • Feudal Spanish
  • 22201-44.001642GiorgioPASSARDI132North African Arab132
  • North African Arab
  • 23196-54.001481FrancescoCECCHINI180Anglo-Danish180
  • Anglo-Danish
  • 24194-42.001641MassimoFORNI218Feudal Scandinavian218
  • Feudal Scandinavian
  • 25174-21.001529MassimoGUIDO186Feudal Anglo-Irish186
  • Feudal Anglo-Irish
  • 26164-79.001770AndreaCACCAVERI204Taifa Kingdoms204
  • Taifa Kingdoms
  • 27159-58.00779SalvatoreFRANCO190Feudal Spanish190
  • Feudal Spanish
  • 281396.001697AndreaGADDI183Feudal English183
  • Feudal English
  • 29128-101.001674AlbertoCIABATTONI220Teutonic Knights220
  • Teutonic Knights
  • 30117-5.001297MarzioDAL TOSO193Komnenan Byzantine193
  • Komnenan Byzantine
  • 3188-64.001523FabioTERPIN193Komnenan Byzantine193
  • Komnenan Byzantine