Art De La Guerre V4

ADLG Version 4.0

Wargaming rules - Ancient and Medieval - Hervé Caille

  • UMPIRES, check tournament results file HERE before sending it to thierry/b
    Photo: Thierry Molière

    Statistics 2024-06-30

    The statistics section contains the results of all Art de la Guerre games played during a tournament or an official game. It allows to consult players’ results and armies’ results. Each player has an ELO ranking and a championship ranking (refer to the document about tournament organisation).

    You can consult the statistics by selecting an event (tournament or game), an army or a player. By clicking on the links, you will then get the details of the games for a tournament, for an army or for a player.

    Event Details : MONTJOIE 2023 ( France) - Autres th?me


    RankingScoreChampionshipPlayer N°FirstnameLastnameArmy N°ArmyARM_IDSArmy/Armies
  • Berber
  • 239185.00495RafaelTORTOSA188Kingdom of Sicily 188
  • Kingdom of Sicily
  • 3371118.00198Jean-yvesCASSAS220Teutonic Knights220
  • Teutonic Knights
  • 4367130.001444KevinOLIER190Feudal Spanish190
  • Feudal Spanish
  • 534153.00254OstapBENDER127Nikephorian Byzantine127
  • Nikephorian Byzantine
  • 632242.001560BenoitDUBOT192Konstantinan Byzantine192
  • Konstantinan Byzantine
  • 731946.00273LionelMARTINEZ195Crusader195
  • Crusader
  • 831131.001478AnthonyLEROY196Later Crusader196
  • Later Crusader
  • 93112.00200FrédéricDUFFAU188Kingdom of Sicily 188
  • Kingdom of Sicily
  • 1030144.00603FlorentDEFOUR196Later Crusader196
  • Later Crusader
  • 1129829.00968Juan carlosGOMEZ127Nikephorian Byzantine127
  • Nikephorian Byzantine
  • 1228032.00470Jean-louisDENOYER190Feudal Spanish190
  • Feudal Spanish
  • 1327517.00277Jean-marcSAUBADE270Ilkhanid Mongol270
  • Ilkhanid Mongol
  • 1427325.00503RafaelAULLO204Taifa Kingdoms204
  • Taifa Kingdoms
  • 15270-35.00190PatrickLEFEBVRE195Crusader195
  • Crusader
  • 1625512.00408StéphaneFABRIES202Fatimid Egyptian202
  • Fatimid Egyptian
  • 17251-22.00253DavidPUJO127Nikephorian Byzantine127
  • Nikephorian Byzantine
  • 18250-13.00454JoëlSANSBERRO191Feudal German191
  • Feudal German
  • 19246-50.00523EduardoDE MIRA152Astur-Leónese and Navarrese152
  • Astur-Leónese and Navarrese
  • 20238-38.00201PhilippeGERBET196Later Crusader196
  • Later Crusader
  • 21237-19.001568StéphaneDECRAMER203Seljuk Turks203
  • Seljuk Turks
  • 22232-8.001604PierreDELGAY229Mongol Empire229
  • Mongol Empire
  • 23224-17.00593OscarIBANEZ196Later Crusader196
  • Later Crusader
  • 24220-71.00610RobertoRIVEIRO138Bedouin Dynasties138
  • Bedouin Dynasties
  • 25217-37.001586DidierHENAUT188Kingdom of Sicily 188
  • Kingdom of Sicily
  • 26188-56.00246HubertVENES152Astur-Leónese and Navarrese152
  • Astur-Leónese and Navarrese
  • 27174-60.00839NicolasBEGUE127Nikephorian Byzantine127
  • Nikephorian Byzantine
  • 28174-82.00261LionelMORVAN192Konstantinan Byzantine192
  • Konstantinan Byzantine
  • 29168-78.001585DidierROBERT192Konstantinan Byzantine192
  • Konstantinan Byzantine
  • 30140-92.00419BrunoDEJOUX198Eastern Latin Empire198
  • Eastern Latin Empire