Art De La Guerre V4

ADLG Version 4.0

Wargaming rules - Ancient and Medieval - Hervé Caille

  • UMPIRES, check tournament results file HERE before sending it to thierry/b
    Photo: Thierry Molière

    Statistics 2024-06-30

    The statistics section contains the results of all Art de la Guerre games played during a tournament or an official game. It allows to consult players’ results and armies’ results. Each player has an ELO ranking and a championship ranking (refer to the document about tournament organisation).

    You can consult the statistics by selecting an event (tournament or game), an army or a player. By clicking on the links, you will then get the details of the games for a tournament, for an army or for a player.

    Event Details : Normandie 2014 ( France) - Ancient period


    RankingScoreChampionshipPlayer N°FirstnameLastnameArmy N°ArmyARM_IDSArmy/Armies
    1412141.00281EmmanuelDUROT120Tamil Indian120
  • Tamil Indian
  • 2394135.00354ThomasMAISTRIAUX42Seleucid42
  • Seleucid
  • 3392129.00283PatrickTAHON46Graeco-Bactrian and Graeco-Indian46
  • Graeco-Bactrian and Graeco-Indian
  • 4382123.00353JérômeBODELLE64Achaemenid Persian64
  • Achaemenid Persian
  • 5322118.00140EtienneMISSON7Assyrian7
  • Assyrian
  • 6315112.00142Jean-louisMAISTRIAUX146Post Roman British146
  • Post Roman British
  • 7290106.00174MarcMERLIN79Classical Indian79
  • Classical Indian
  • 8289100.00122SébastienGIMENO50Syracusan50
  • Syracusan
  • 928294.00327PaulBERLANDI109Sassanid Persian109
  • Sassanid Persian
  • 1028188.00435PhilippeAGES79Classical Indian79
  • Classical Indian
  • 1128182.00209JacquesNOE43Ptolemaic43
  • Ptolemaic
  • 1227776.00337FrançoisREBECHE43Ptolemaic43
  • Ptolemaic
  • 1326871.00324CarolineKUBAT70Bosporan Kingdom70
  • Bosporan Kingdom
  • 1424465.00436YannickLE GONIDEC42Seleucid42
  • Seleucid
  • 1524359.00425StéphaneLOIRON55Carthaginian55
  • Carthaginian
  • 1621753.00379MaximePICHOT103Judaean Jewish103
  • Judaean Jewish
  • 1721447.00394VincentSERON85Early Imperial Roman85
  • Early Imperial Roman
  • 1818341.00437RobinFRANCONY53Republican Roman53
  • Republican Roman
  • 1917535.00438NicolasBELLANGER51Campanian, Lucanian, Apulian and Bruttian51
  • Campanian, Lucanian, Apulian and Bruttian
  • 2013929.00261LionelMORVAN54Early Carthaginian54
  • Early Carthaginian
  • 2113524.00440ThomasTETARD64Achaemenid Persian64
  • Achaemenid Persian
  • 2210418.00241SylvainVARNIERE9Assyrian Empire and Sargonid9
  • Assyrian Empire and Sargonid
  • 239012.00441HervéPERROT63Thracian63
  • Thracian
  • 24716.00439FranckLEBIGOT55Carthaginian55
  • Carthaginian