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Beware of Greeks Bearing Jiff's
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 Art De La Guerre Index du Forum > Battle reports
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Inscrit le: 16 Juin 2016
Messages: 394
Localisation: Pennsylvannia
MessagePosté le: Sam Mar 12, 2022 7:34 pm    Sujet du message: Beware of Greeks Bearing Jiff's Répondre en citant
It has been a while since I have done a L’ Art de la Guerre battlereport. But Kozcon is coming, a 25mm open, it’s time to warm up the lead.
I did a couple of practice games with a surprise list, the Islamic Persians. And surprise, they suck in LADG. They have none of the impetuous shock value as they do in Warriorâ„¢. They are just a shoot and scoot army, and not to my liking, and it shows. A catastrophic loss to the Turag, and a losing draw to the Scots.
But on top of that, they are no fun either. For me or my opponent. If they are not enjoyable, then why play them at all?

So Steve offered to come over, and his only army in 25’s is Alexandrian Macedonian, and I was not going to subject him (or me, especially me) to an evening of **no** fun.

But what could be fun, and historic, was this army of Hoplites I have lying around. So I printed the list without reviewing it, and ran with it.
18 Hoplites, 6 Peltasts and 4 LI, commanded by 3 ordinary commanders, what can go wrong?

Japanese telephones work pretty much like ours, except the person on the other end can't understand you.
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 Art De La Guerre Index du Forum > Battle reports
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