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BHGS Teams @ London GT - September 14-15th 2019
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Magister Militum

Inscrit le: 01 Nov 2014
Messages: 1474
Localisation: Londres Centraal.
MessagePosté le: Jeu Aoû 15, 2019 8:42 am    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant
That probably means its me, and by September 1st please
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Inscrit le: 19 Fév 2016
Messages: 47
MessagePosté le: Lun Sep 09, 2019 5:56 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant
Any runners n riders?

quote="madaxeman"]That probably means its me, and by September 1st please[/quote]
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Inscrit le: 21 Juil 2016
Messages: 22
Localisation: Londres
MessagePosté le: Mar Sep 17, 2019 10:21 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant
Thank you to all the players at the first London GT Team Tournament. Here are the team and individual results:

Team .//... TEAM/INDIVIDUAL POINTS [Army].//......................................... Round 1.//... Round 2.//... Round 3.//... Round 4.//... Round 5
Dim Mortals 1.----------------. David Saunders 1032 313 [Alexandrian Mac].......... vs. Cavana. = Won // vs.Pearce = Won Dare = Lost Gollop = Won Zubeld. = Lost
Dim Mortals 2.----------------. Richard Case 1032 414 [Ilkhanid Mongol]............. vs. Clarke = Won // vs.Pearce = Won MartinS = Drew Booth = Won Webb = Won
Dim Mortals 3.----------------. Simon Leray-M. 1032 305 [Free Companies].......... vs. Hacker = Lost // vs.Evans = Won Brown = Lost Frith = Won Webb = Won
Pinner 1.-----------------------. Wayne Dare 958 254 [Gallic ]............................ vs. Finney = Won // vs.Allen = Lost Saund. = Won Zubeld. = Lost Pearce = Lost
Pinner 2.-----------------------. Keith Martin-Smith 958 396 [Later Crusaders ]...... vs. McLeod = Won // vs.Johnst. = Won Case = Drew Webb = Won Pearce = Won
Pinner 3.-----------------------. Simon Brown 958 308 [Ptolemaic ]..................... vs. Finkel = Lost // vs.Rowland = Won LerayM = Won Webb = Lost Evans = Won
SAD 1.-------------------------. Colin Cavanagh 857 178 [Phyrric ].......................vs. Saund. = Lost // vsGollop = Won// vs. Zubeld. = Lost Allen = Lost Finney = Drew
SAD 2.-------------------------. Adrian Clarke 857 281 [North African Arab]...........vs. Case = Lost // vsBooth = Won// vs. Webb = Lost Johnst. = Drew McLeod = Won
SAD 3.-------------------------. Steve Hacker 857 398 [Condottieri Italian]............vs. LerayM. = Won // vs Frith = Won// vs. Webb = Won Rowland = Drew Finkle = Won
Tres Sanguinem Stulti 1.------. Dave Allen 930 458 [ Early Achéménid Per.]..........vs. Zubeld = Won // vs Dare = Won// vs. Pearec = Won Cavan = Won Gollo = Won
Tres Sanguinem Stulti 2.------. Paul Johnston 930 332 [ Pechengs ].....................vs. Webb = Won // vs MartinS = Lost// vs. Pearce = Won Clarke = Drew Booth = Won
Tres Sanguinem Stulti 3.------. Mike Rowland 930 140 [ Palmyran ].....................vs. Webb = Lost // vs Brown = Lost// vs. Evans = Lost Hacke = Drew Frith = Lost
42 is Meaning of Life 1.-------. Iniaki Zubeldia 913 380 [ Aramean ]....................vs. Allen = Lost // vs Finney = Won// vs. Cavana. = Won Dare = Won Saund = Won
42 is Meaning of Life 2.-------. Nicolas Webb 913 225 [ Communal Italian]..........vs. Johnst. = Lost // vs McLeod = Won// vs. Clarke = Won MartinS = Lost Case = Lost
42 is Meaning of Life 3.-------. Peter Webb 913 308 [ Alexander the Great]..........vs. Rowland = Won // vs Finkel = Won// vs. Hacker = Lost Brown = Won LerayM = Lost
MKWS 1.-----------------------.Darryl Pearce 714 290 [Later Carthaginian]..........vs. Gollop = Won // vs Saund. = Lost// vs. Allen = Lost Finney = Won Dare = Won
MKWS 2.-----------------------.Harrison Pearce 714 259 [Sicilian Normans]..........vs. Booth = Won // vs Case = Lost// vs. Johnst. = Lost McLeod = Won MartinS = Lost
MKWS 3.-----------------------.Gareth Evans 714 165 [Triumvirate Roman]..........vs. Frith = Lost // vs LerayM = Lost// vs. Rowland = Won Finkel = Lost Brown = Lost
Snake Eyes 1.------------------. Simon Finney 579 169 [ Ptolemaic ]................. vs. Dare = Lost // vs Zubeld. = Lost// vs. Gollop = Drew Pearce = Lost Cavan. = Drew
Snake Eyes 2.------------------. Clive McLeod 579 175 [ Later Crusaders ]..........vs. MartinS = Lost // vs Webb = Lost// vs. Booth = Won Pearce = Lost Clarke = Lost
Snake Eyes 3.------------------. Andy Finkel 579 235 [ Condottieri Italian]..........vs. Brown = Won // vs Webb = Lost// vs. Frith = Lost Evans = Won Hacker = Lost
Dorset & Ware Nomads 1.------. David Gollop 550 139 [ Classical Greek ]..........vs. Pearce = Lost // vs Cavana. = Los// vs.t Finney = Drew Saund. = Lost Allen = Lost
Dorset & Ware Nomads 2.------. Matt Booth 550 82 [ Later Crusaders ]............vs. Pearce = Lost // vs Clarke = Lost// vs. McLeod = Lost Case = Lost Johnst. = Lost
Dorset & Ware Nomads 3.------. Paul Frith 550 329 [ Swiss ]........................vs. Evans = Won // vs Hacker = Lost// vs. Finkel = Won LerayM = Lost Rowland = Won

The top three players in each pool were:
Pool 1, the Greek period
Dave Allen - 458
Inaki Zubeldia - 380
Dave Saunders - 313

Pool 2, the crusades period
Richard Case - 414
Keith Martin-Smith - 396
Paul Johnston - 332

Pool 3, 25mm, the footsloggers
Steve Hacker - 398
Paul Frith - 329
Peter Webb - 308

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I never roll a six

Inscrit le: 07 Oct 2014
Messages: 40
MessagePosté le: Mer Sep 18, 2019 8:26 am    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant
Thanks, Gordon, for the hard work in organizing the draw and umpiring.
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