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AKRA LEUKA IV 20-21 January 2024
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Rafa Tortosa

Inscrit le: 25 Jan 2015
Messages: 292
MessagePosté le: Sam Juil 01, 2023 7:55 pm    Sujet du message: AKRA LEUKA IV 20-21 January 2024 Répondre en citant
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Dernière édition par Rafa Tortosa le Mar Oct 31, 2023 5:56 pm; édité 2 fois
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Inscrit le: 06 Juin 2018
Messages: 416
Localisation: Alicante
MessagePosté le: Mer Oct 04, 2023 10:11 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant
Invitation for the AKRA LEUKA IV Tournament.
Bases for the Tournament of the "Art of War" AKRA LEUKA IV 2024.
DATE: January 20 and 21, 2024.
PLACE: Hotel DANIYA***, Alicante
1.- Registration implies full acceptance of the considerations detailed below.
2.- Participation in this tournament is open to any player whose previous registration is validated by the organization. The tournament is approved for national and international rankings.
3.- To pre-register send a message to: There is no limit to the number of pre-registrations. Pre-registrations will end on October 31, 2023.
4.- Subsequently, the first to verify the payment of the registration fee will be included in the tournament, in strict order until all places are filled, following the conditions set out in these rules.
Final registration for the tournament must meet the following two requirements:
4.1 Payment of the registration within the following period:
Registration opens: November 1, 2023.
Registration closes: 21 December 2023 (23:59).
4.2 Sending of army lists before January 7, 2024 at 23:59. The lists will be sent to
5.- The number of places for players is 80. (AT THE DATE OF PUBLICATION OF THIS INVITATION THERE ARE 53 PRE-REGISTERED).
6.- Registration fee 35 €, (38€ if payment is made through PayPal) includes: Saturday lunch and drinks during the tournament. Unfortunately once the payment has been made, the organization will not make any refund in case of withdrawal or non-attendance of the player.
7.- The payment procedure will be made by BANK TRANSFER or Pay Pal. For OTHER OPTIONS send an inquiry email to
The current account number is the same as previous years and will be provided privately.
Contact by mail
If several players join together to make the payment in a single banking operation, please indicate the names of whom they correspond.
8.- The lists of players definitively registered, as well as the first crossing will be published in advance.

9.- It will be played with armies with miniatures of 15 mm, in official bases of the rules for this scale. The miniatures must correctly represent the type of troop and the army must be fully painted.
10.- This tournament will apply version V4 "Art de la Guerre", including the latest amendments, FAQ,s and official amendments published. This information can be found on the website: ADLG - Art De La Guerre.
11.- Scoring: It will be ordered according to the victory points marked by the downloadable Excel sheet on the official website of the game.
12.- The theme of the AK IV Tournament is: FORGOTTEN ARMIES. Lists can be chosen from:
Lists of America (283 to 300, list 290 without Spaniards).
Lists 1 to 123 except: 39 to 46,52,53,55,60,61,64,68,79,83, 85 to 88,106,109 to 111 and 120.
13.- An ally from another list is not allowed. Allies from the same list can be included. For example, the ally Panonius in 279 BC. of the list 72 GALATIAN is allowed.
14.- There will only be one list per player.
15.- There is no limit of dates to the list that can be chosen.
16.- The list should mention an exact year for the army.
17.- The army lists must be provided according to the Excel sheet that appears on the official ADLG web site in the tab "Game Aids" and must be sent no later than January 7, 2024 at 23:59.
18.- 6 games will be played, 4 on Saturday 20 and 2 on Sunday 21. In each game, the "Deployment and Result Sheet" provided by the organisation will be used.
19.- Players will bring their TERRAIN elements (and if possible, battlefield mats). The Organization will prohibit pieces of land that do not comply with the Rules (size, shape, realism) and the stipulations of the chapter "TERRAIN" of the rules, page 70 and following of the regulations.
20.- Only and exclusively the dice (D6) provided by the organisation for this actual tournament will be used. Other forms of resolution such as individual dice, compensated dice or cards are not allowed. If both players agree at the start of the game, the following may apply:
-Re-rolls. 3 relaunches throughout the game.
-The average given system. (3 dice are rolled and the intermediate value is taken). To do this, players must use dice from the opponent since the organisation only provides 2 dice per player.

21.- There will be no pairings between players of the same nationality during the first 4 rounds. During the 5th and 6th rounds this will apply from the player in 21st place. That is, the first 20 players at the beginning of the 5th and 6th round will be paired even if they are of the same nationality or club.
22.- The pairings of the first round will be made by rigorous draw. The provisions of point 21 shall be considered. The rest of games 1st vs 2nd, 3rd vs 4th, ....19th vs 20th etc. Pairings between players that have occurred in previous games will not be repeated.
23.- When announcing their list to the opponent, players must specify:
Army/ List Date/ if there is a Strategist
24.- The organisation will provide a paper copy of the army lists once verified. Once the game has begun, the referee or his assistants may ask the players for the "Deployment and Result Sheet", to verify it's correctness.
25.- Players will clearly describe their troops during deployment. The deployed models will correctly represent the troops on the list to avoid confusion.
26.- The games will have a maximum duration of 2h and 30' with a minimum of 7 turns per player, although the game will continue if there is time left and even if 7 turns have been played.
After, when the first 2 hours of play have been announced. Players will begin blitz turns if necessary.
The attacking player will NOT start his turn if there is no time left for the defender to play his. They should assume that the game is over.
Players will scrupulously take care that a game does not last longer than the stipulated time. THE REFEREE WILL END THE GAME AS IT IS AT 2 H AND 30 MINUTES IF THE PLAYERS IGNORE THESE RULES AND RECOMMENDATIONS. Please consider item 1 of the invitation.
As the only special exception, the main Referee will take into account the losses of time that the auxiliary referees may have (they are also players), when they are required in a timely manner, by other players during the courses of their games.
27.- BLITZ SHIFTS. Each player BLITZ sequence will be done as follows:
3 MINUTES TIMED to make moves (timed by the opponent or referee assistant if available).
Shooting and combat resolution are completed as quickly as possible.
The referee may at any time determine the performance of a blitz turn if he observes that a game does not have the appropriate rhythm "game time - turns played".
28.- The main referee will be JAVIER DÃAZ.
To avoid any unnecessary disputes, players are asked to:
A) Make the movements as precise as possible.
B) Mark the position of the units before making a movement.
C) Make it clear if you are outside or within key distances (Shot, ZOC, Charging distance)
D) Determine in advance when a die falls into a valid position and when it does not.
The final decisions of the referee or his or her assistants shall be final.
Any improper or inappropriate behaviour may result in immediate expulsion from the tournament.
There will be 3 warnings . 1º No consequences. 2nd loss of 4 points. 3rd expulsion.
29.- RESOLUTION OF TIES: if two players tie on points, the tiebreaker is determined as follows:
1.- In case they have faced each other and one was victorious, this will be the one that occupies the best position. If both tied, whatever the points obtained, the next point will be applied.
2.- In all other cases, the best position will be obtained by the one with the highest score after making the sum of the scores obtained by their opponents (opponent score).
30.- The Organisation (CLUB AKRA LEUKA), as organiser of the tournament, reserves the right to modify, expand or eliminate any aspect of these bases depending on specific situations that may arise.

Saturday, January 20
07:45- 08:15 Reception of the participants.
Round 1: 08:15 - 10:45
2nd Round: 11:15 - 13:45
Lunch: 13:45 - 15:00
3rd Round: 15:00 - 17:30
4th Round: 18:00 - 20:30
Sunday, January 21
Round 5: 08:15 - 10:45
Round 6: 11:15 - 13:45
Awards ceremony As soon as possible
First, second and third classified.
Biggest assassin of generals.
Best camp raider.


Lunch on Saturday 20: Lunch bag. Provided by the organisation. The cost is included in the registration.

A dinner can be arranged on Saturday evening if there are enough attendants.

This year the AKRA LEUKA IV Tournament will be played in:
Avenida de Denia nº133
03015. Alicante, Spain.

To make a reservation at the HOTEL simply send an email to:

IMPORTANT: Indicate that it is for the AKRALEUKA IV TOURNAMENT and the rest of the information (name, number of rooms, people, dates of entry and exit, telephone and contact email etc.)
At the request of Hotel Daniya, please make reservations no later than January 15, 2024.
The prices are:

Single room accommodation only: 49,50€ per night
Single room with breakfast: 54,55€ per night
Double room only accommodation: 53,50€ per night
Double room with breakfast: 63,10€ per night
Double room + extra bed accommodation only: 71,40€ per night
Double room + extra bed with breakfast: 85,65€ per night
Prices VAT included.
Free parking in the outdoor area of the hotel (fenced area).

The tournament is held at this hotel. This property is recommended.
For players arriving by plane there is the possibility of picking them up at Alicante Airport depending on the number of local volunteers for it. Please send us ( ) the arrival time and the number of people to pick up to arrange the pick-ups.
The C-6 bus line (Shuttle) connects the airport with the city centre and has two stops very close to the CITY CENTRE. This bus has a stop in the DEPARTURES (Upper level) area of the Airport and usually has a frequency of approximately 20-25 minutes. The transfer lasts about 20 minutes. Its cost is approximately 4 euros.
For any questions you can send me an email to
We hope to see you here and enjoy this event.

Dernière édition par aliatar le Jeu Oct 05, 2023 11:05 am; édité 1 fois
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Inscrit le: 06 Juin 2018
Messages: 416
Localisation: Alicante
MessagePosté le: Mer Oct 04, 2023 10:25 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant
Update der Spieler in späterer Nachricht.

Bitte beachten Sie:

Anmeldeschluss ist der 21. Dezember 2023.

Vielen Dank

Dernière édition par aliatar le Dim Nov 12, 2023 7:56 pm; édité 1 fois
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Inscrit le: 06 Juin 2018
Messages: 416
Localisation: Alicante
MessagePosté le: Mar Nov 07, 2023 12:00 am    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant
Courtesy of Wargamer's Whims for AKRA LEUKA IV TOURNAMENT , a new award has been established for the best ranked country.
The rules shall be as follows:
1.-Each player participating in the tournament will be included in the flag country that appears in the official ADLG ranking.
2.-To be eligible for the prize, the minimum number of players must be 4 from the same country.
3.- At the end of the tournament, the scores of all the players from each country will be added up and the total will be divided by the number of players obtaining the average points of each country.
4.-The country with the highest average points will be the winner.
5.- There will be 4 prizes. They will be given to 4 players who are part of the community of the winning country based on the following criteria.
1 prize for the player with the highest score of this country
1 prize for the player with the second highest score of this country
1 prize for the player who is in the middle of the players' table of this country. In the case of an even number, the best classified.
1 prize for the player with the lowest score.

If the winning team has:
4 players.- 1 prize each.
8 players.- The prizes will be for the 1st, 2nd, 4th and 8th.
9 players.- The prizes will be for the 1st, 2nd, 5th and 9th.
13 players.- The prizes will be for the 1st, 2nd, 7th and 13th.
14 players.- The prizes will be for the 1st, 2nd, 7th and 14th.
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Inscrit le: 06 Juin 2018
Messages: 416
Localisation: Alicante
MessagePosté le: Dim Nov 12, 2023 7:57 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Dernière édition par aliatar le Dim Déc 17, 2023 7:46 pm; édité 1 fois
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Inscrit le: 06 Juin 2018
Messages: 416
Localisation: Alicante
MessagePosté le: Dim Déc 17, 2023 7:46 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

1. Iñaki Iraizoz
2. Xavi Codina
3. Juan Carlos Gómez
4. Jesús Galán
5. Eduardo Mira
6. Hubert Bretagne
7. Rafa Tortosa
8. José Luis Herrera
9. Antonio Alemañ
10.Dave Allen
11.Mark Fry
12.Salvador Sanabre
13.Gordon Jamieson
14.Tim Porter
15.Gordon Miller
16.Dave Saunders
17.Enrique García
18. Robin Jackson
19.Josebi García
20.David Ruestes
21.Jean-Yves Cassas
22.Thomas Maistriaux
23.Jean-Louis Maistriaux
24. Laurence Pariaug
25.Anthony Leroy
26. Simon Leray-Meyer
27.Enrique López
28. Peter Webb
29. Mario Pinós
30. Matthieu Batiste
31.Jesús Tejada
32. Matthieu Abric
33. Guy Daubagnan
34. Francesco Berucci
35. Claudio Zito
36. Rubén Sahuquillo
37.Phil Hackney
38. Vicente Urios
39. Jorge Valenzuela
40. Pablo Suarez
41. Colin Whittaker
42. Javier Miró
43. Alejandro Carrasco

44.Hugo Carmona
45. Jérôme Grebet
46. José Mas
47. Pedro J. Hurtado
48. Thierry Baylac
49. Hector Zamora
50. Iván Gómez
51.Patrice Caillon
52. Hugo Barata
53. Orlando Almeida
54. Hugo Ximenes
55. Jose Angel Garcia
56. Ludovic Moulin
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Inscrit le: 06 Juin 2018
Messages: 416
Localisation: Alicante
MessagePosté le: Mar Jan 09, 2024 10:05 am    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant
Players and army lists

495 Rafael Tortosa 14 EGIPCIO IMPERIO NUEVO
527 Jesus Tejada 17 BEDUINO ANTIGUO
523 Eduardo de Mira 20 HITITAS
512 José Luis Herrera 20 HITITAS
593 Oscar Ibanez 20 HITITAS
1607 Alejandro Carrasco 23 HEBREOS
1238 Laurence Pariaug 35 INDIO VEDICO
541 José Mas 56 NUMIDAS
584 Salvador Senabre 59 CUSITAS
574 Jorge Valenzuela 59 CUSITAS
1131 Gordon Miller 63 TRACIOS
142 Jean-Louis Maistriaux 63 TRACIOS
432 Ludovic Moulin 70 REINO DEL BOSFORO
573 Orlando Almeida 73 PERGAMITA
556 Iñaki Iraizoz. 74 ARAMEOS
1659 Mario Pinós 75 ARABE TEMPRANO
N Iván Gómez 76 ESCITAS
553 Jose Vicente García 80 REINOS COMBATIENTES
198 Jean-Yves Cassas. 80 REINOS COMBATIENTES
857 Simon Leray-Meyer 80 REINOS COMBATIENTES
1660 RubÉn Sahuquillo 90 HISPANOS
684 Francesco Berucci 91 GERMANO
795 Mark Fry 93 VISIGODOS
768 David Allen 95 OSTROGODOS
1658 Matthieu Batiste 95 OSTROGODOS
715 Gordon Jamieson 98 BRITANOS
525 Enrique Lopez 98 BRITANOS
1289 Hugo Carmona 98 BRITANOS
1117 Patrice Caillon 99 PICTOS
1540 David Ruestes 102 PARTO
354 Thomas Maistriaux 102 PARTO
526 Javier Sesma 102 PARTO
712 Tim Porter 105 MITRADETES
604 Antonio Aleman 107 KUSANOS
596 Enrique Garcia 107 KUSANOS
257 Thierry Baylac 107 KUSANOS
968 Juan Carlos Gómez 108 ALANOS
427 Matthieu Abric 108 ALANOS
590 Jesus Galan 116 CHINO HAN
1008 Robin Jackson 117 XIANBEI
687 Claudio Zito 118 CHINO 3 REINOS
719 Pablo Suárez 118 CHINO 3 REINOS
397 Hubert Bretagne 119 DINASTIAS N-S
1478 Anthony Leroy 119 DINASTIAS N-S
412 Guy Daubagnan 119 DINASTIAS N-S
581 Xavier Codina 119 DINASTIAS N-S
494 Phil Hackney 287 CHINANTECA
497 Vicente Urios 287 CHINANTECA
710 Dave Saunders 289 AZTECA
1742 Javier Miró 289 AZTECA
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Inscrit le: 06 Juin 2018
Messages: 416
Localisation: Alicante
MessagePosté le: Dim Jan 21, 2024 8:33 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant
Ich freue mich auf ein Wiedersehen im nächsten Jahr.

Es wird mit ziemlicher Sicherheit am 18. und 19. Januar sein.

Thematisches Turnier (TBD) mit 5 Spielen.


495 TORTOSA RAFAEL AKRA LEUKA 543 14 New Kingdom Egyptian 22 Victoire Victoire Victoire Victoire Victoire Victoire
397 BRETAGNE HUBERT CLWC 469 119 Chinese Northern and Southern Dynasties 22 Victoire Victoire Victoire Défaite Victoire Victoire
1540 RUESTES DAVID CIA CATALANA 437 102 Parthian 22 Nul Victoire Victoire Victoire Défaite Victoire
768 DAVID ALLEN CLWC 412 95 Ostrogoth 26 Victoire Nul Victoire Défaite Victoire Victoire
574 VALENZUELA JORGE TROKOLOM 401 59 Meroitic Kushite 28 Victoire Victoire Victoire Victoire Défaite Nul
710 SAUNDERS DAVE CLWC 401 289 Aztec 27 Victoire Victoire Défaite Victoire Défaite Victoire
712 PORTER TIM CLWC 401 105 Mithridatic 23 Défaite Défaite Victoire Victoire Victoire Victoire
412 DAUBAGNAN GUY NIMES 399 119 Chinese Northern and Southern Dynasties 19 Nul Nul Victoire Victoire Défaite Victoire
719 SUAREZ PABLO ROMA 397 118 Three Kingdoms Chinese 25 Victoire Défaite Victoire Victoire Victoire Défaite
427 ABRIC MATTHIEU NIMES 394 108 Alan 21 Nul Victoire Nul Défaite Victoire Victoire
527 TEJADA JESUS LEGIO V 384 17 Ancient Bedouin 30 Défaite Victoire Victoire Victoire Victoire Défaite
584 SANABRE SALVADOR CIA CATALANA 373 59 Meroitic Kushite 28 Nul Victoire Nul Défaite Victoire Victoire
354 MAISTRIAUX THOMAS ORDONNANCE 357 102 Parthian 21 Victoire Défaite Victoire Nul Victoire Défaite
604 ALEMAN ANTONIO WAR&ROL 354 107 Kushan 24 Victoire Victoire Défaite Défaite Victoire Défaite
581 CODINA XAVIER CIA CATALANA 353 119 Chinese Northern and Southern Dynasties 22 Nul Victoire Nul Nul Défaite Victoire
857 LERAY-MEYER SIMON CLWC 347 80 Warring States 23 Défaite Victoire Victoire Défaite Nul Victoire
198 CASSAS JEAN-YVES H&L 343 80 Warring States 24 Victoire Nul Nul Nul Défaite Victoire
573 ALMEIDA ORLANDO AJSP 343 73 Pergamon 24 Victoire Défaite Victoire Nul Victoire Défaite
512 HERRERA JOSE LUIS TROKOLOM 336 20 Hittite 24 Nul Défaite Victoire Nul Nul Victoire
523 DE MIRA EDUARDO CSHN 331 20 Hittite 26 Défaite Victoire Défaite Victoire Défaite Victoire
715 JAMIESON GORDON CLWC 326 98 Ancient British 28 Défaite Défaite Victoire Défaite Victoire Victoire
1659 PINOS MARIO OLCADES 326 75 Early Arab 30 Victoire Nul Nul Victoire Nul Défaite
1478 LEROY ANTHONY ISOLATED 321 119 Chinese Northern and Southern Dynasties 22 Nul Défaite Victoire Défaite Nul Victoire
593 IBANEZ OSCAR CSHN 315 20 Hittite 25 Victoire Défaite Défaite Victoire Nul Nul
687 ZITO CLAUDIO ROMA 313 118 Three Kingdoms Chinese 24 Défaite Victoire Défaite Victoire Victoire Défaite
142 MAISTRIAUX JEAN LOUIS ORDONNANCE 311 63 Thracian 27 Nul Victoire Nul Nul Nul Nul
1008 JACKSON ROBIN ISOLATED1008 310 117 Xianbei 25 Nul Défaite Victoire Victoire Nul Défaite
257 BAYLAC THIERRY GARDE VAREGUE 307 107 Kushan 24 Nul Défaite Défaite Victoire Victoire Nul
556 IRAIZOZ IÑAKI CSHN 302 74 Aramaean 25 Nul Victoire Défaite Victoire Défaite Défaite
541 MAS JOSE WAR&ROL 296 56 Numidian 27 Défaite Défaite Victoire Victoire Nul Défaite
1742 MIRO JAVIER ATILA 282 289 Aztec 27 Défaite Nul Défaite Nul Nul Victoire
525 LOPEZ ENRIQUE VAE VICTIS 279 98 Ancient British 24 Défaite Nul Nul Défaite Défaite Victoire
795 FRY MARK GLOUCESTER 274 93 Visigoth 27 Victoire Nul Victoire Défaite Défaite Défaite
1660 SAHUQUILLO RUBEN OLCADES 271 90 Ancient Spanish 22 Victoire Défaite Défaite Défaite Défaite Victoire
590 GALAN JESUS ALA VETORUM 269 116 Han Chinese 24 Défaite Nul Défaite Défaite Victoire Victoire
968 GOMEZ JUAN CARLOS CSHN 264 108 Alan 21 Victoire Victoire Défaite Défaite Défaite Défaite
1289 CARMONA HUGO LUDIUS LUSITANI 262 98 Ancient British 24 Victoire Défaite Défaite Victoire Défaite Défaite
432 MOULIN LUDOVIC ISOLATED432 262 70 Bosporan Kingdom 24 Défaite Nul Victoire Défaite Défaite Nul
494 HACKNEY PHIL WAR&ROL 259 287 Chinantec 27 Nul Nul Nul Nul Victoire Défaite
684 BERUCCI FRANCESCO ROMA 255 91 German 25 Défaite Nul Défaite Nul Victoire Défaite
553 GARCIA JOSE VICENTE CSHN 255 80 Warring States 26 Défaite Défaite Nul Nul Défaite Victoire
1131 MILLER GORDON FDWC 241 63 Thracian 28 Défaite Victoire Défaite Défaite Nul Nul
596 GARCIA ENRIQUE TROKOLOM 223 107 Kushan 22 Nul Victoire Défaite Défaite Défaite Défaite
1117 CAILLON PATRICE CASTRES 210 99 Caledonian, Scots-Irish and Pictish 35 Nul Défaite Défaite Nul Nul Défaite
526 SESMA JAVIER BM 201 102 Parthian 24 Victoire Défaite Défaite Défaite Nul Défaite
2000 GOMEZ IVAN SF 193 76 Scythian 27 Défaite Défaite Nul Nul Nul Défaite
1607 CARRASCO ALEJANDRO ATILA 190 23 Ancient Hebrew 26 Défaite Défaite Défaite Victoire Défaite Défaite
1238 PARIAUG LAURENCE SWITZERLAND 160 35 Vedic Indian 25 Défaite Nul Défaite Défaite Nul Défaite
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