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Giannizzeri che incubo!!
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 Art De La Guerre Index du Forum > Regole e aggiornamenti V4
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Inscrit le: 16 Juin 2024
Messages: 1
MessagePosté le: Mer Juin 19, 2024 7:08 am    Sujet du message: Giannizzeri che incubo!! Répondre en citant
Vorrei un consiglio su come affrontare i Giannizzeri dell'impero Ottomano che reputo tra le truppe più forti che ci siano, spadaccino medio arco elites, come affrontarli senza avere troppe perdite visto che tirano a 4 UD?
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Mark G Fry

Inscrit le: 15 Juin 2017
Messages: 511
Localisation: Bristol, UK
MessagePosté le: Mer Juin 19, 2024 9:35 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant
The real challenges for Janissaries are all about terrain, numbers and support, in my opinion.

If they are out in the open they are extremely vulnerable to HC impact, Medium or Heavy Knights (impact or impetuous).
If they are in terrain, especially Fields or Brush, where they have their full shooting capabilities, they are a nightmare and best avoided (just refuse to engage them & try and lure them into the open).

The other challenge for Janissaries is that you can only have 4 of them, so they can potentially be swamped by a larger enemy.
This is further compounded by there not being much else to support them in the list. The Voynuks are HF so will slow down the Janissaries in a mixed formation (& are a liability in bad terrain). The Iayalar fanatics are good companions for Janissaries, but being impetuous they encourage a much more aggressive style of play to the combined formation. The MF spear are the next best alternatives, but they are overpowered by enemy MF impact or impetuous.

If playing in a historical period game - other elite impact MF - such as Almogavars will give them a good run in combat, but they'll need to arrive into the melee with no shooting casualties &/or an advantage of overlaps. Samurai are also a good counter to Janissaries, as they are basically the same as them, and you can buy many more of them. Likewise, Scottish Highland archers (from the Highland & Isles or Medieval Scottish lists) are probably next best - being the same but not elite - but again you can buy more of them.
However, the very best option is probably 100 Years War English Longbows - MF, swd, Longbow, elite. They will outshoot the Janissaries, and you can buy more of them and they will fight on equal terms in combat.

If you are playing out of period - good quality Roman MF swd impact auxilia - as long as they are also armoured &/or well screened by supporting LF will do well.
Similarly, armoured elite Legionaries supported by integral bolt-throwers will do Janissaries a lot of damage, but that assumes they can be drawn out of their terrain.

No units are 'super' units in ADLG - I've seen elite Foot Knights brought low by a unit of Levy impetuous (if the dice combinations are right) Very Happy
'He could have lived a risk-free, moneyed life, but he preferred to whittle away his fortune on warfare.' Xenophon, The Anabasis
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