Magister Militum

Inscrit le: 01 Nov 2014 Messages: 1571
Localisation: Londres Centraal.
Posté le: Mer Mai 15, 2024 8:25 pm Sujet du message: Youtube videos explaining the basics |
I've finally gotten round to recording a few ADLG-R videos with Simon LeRay-Meyer, in which we look to work through the basics of the system with a particular focus on explaining the differences to ADLG Ancients.
They are now all posted on YouTube and also on my website
The main areas covered are to do with how double-width bases for infantry formations in the Renaissance version actually work. This is all pretty simple once you get your head around how they work but can trip up someone who is familiar with ADLG Ancients if you are not mindful of what and why they are deemed necessary in Renaissance ADLG
The videos are a bit of an experiment using my webcam and recorded very simply on Zoom, so the quality isn't exactly top notch - but hopefully we manage to be chatty and engaging enough to carry you through that, and in so doing manage to get across the key ways in which these double units actually work and operate on the battlefield.
Here's hoping you make it at least half way through !
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