Inscrit le: 05 Mai 2022 Messages: 13
Posté le: Dim Jan 07, 2024 12:04 am Sujet du message: Liste 225 : sans montagne pour les Song du sud? |
Bonjour, pourqoui est-ce que les Song du sud (liste 225) n'ont pas d'option "montagne," tandis que leur territoire historique comprenait les regions les plus montagneuses de la chine, y comprise la province de Sichuan, l'ou ils se sont affrontes contres les mongoles a plusieures reprises, par exemple au siege de Diaoyucheng? |
Brave Coeur

Inscrit le: 06 Oct 2011 Messages: 797
Localisation: Strasbourg/Paris
Posté le: Mar Fév 06, 2024 11:11 am Sujet du message: |
Si tu as des arguments un peu plus "étoffés", alors je te conseille de contacter directectement en MP, Hervé Caille l'auteur, qui est entrain de préparer une nouvelle version des FAQ.
Jean-Michel alias Brave Coeur _________________ Space Rookie |
Mark G Fry

Inscrit le: 15 Juin 2017 Messages: 511
Localisation: Bristol, UK
Posté le: Mar Fév 06, 2024 1:44 pm Sujet du message: |
One of the challenges with an army like the Song, is that apart from Desert terrain (& it could be even argued that there were areas of desert-like terrain in their territory, at some point) they could be eligible for just about every/all types of terrain available in ADLG.
Surely, it is about what terrain types are the 'most representative' for an army.
I would suggest that the sieges of cities are covered by the use of Plains - even if that city was in a Mountainous area? |
Inscrit le: 05 Mai 2022 Messages: 13
Posté le: Dim Fév 18, 2024 7:00 pm Sujet du message: |
Mark G Fry a écrit: | One of the challenges with an army like the Song, is that apart from Desert terrain (& it could be even argued that there were areas of desert-like terrain in their territory, at some point) they could be eligible for just about every/all types of terrain available in ADLG.
Surely, it is about what terrain types are the 'most representative' for an army.
I would suggest that the sieges of cities are covered by the use of Plains - even if that city was in a Mountainous area? |
Song China was vast, and the Song army could have fought most anywhere within and beyond that domain, much of which was mountainous...
No, Diayucheng is built on a small mountain, as are some other towns in that region.
As for invoking "representativity," why do so many ancient army lists include units that might only have been employed in a single historical battle...?  |
Mark G Fry

Inscrit le: 15 Juin 2017 Messages: 511
Localisation: Bristol, UK
Posté le: Lun Fév 19, 2024 10:20 am Sujet du message: |
[quote="wuzhuiqiu8888"] Mark G Fry a écrit: |
As for invoking "representativity," why do so many ancient army lists include units that might only have been employed in a single historical battle...?  |
True and there are even some army lists that include troop types that just actually never existed in real life - they are just wargamers 'convention/tradition'.
My point about representative terrain is that if you allow the Song to add Mountainous terrain to their options - you might as well give them all the Terrain options and that gives them a unfair advantage of the other lists. You could also argue that as the Mongols fought a number of campaigns in mountainous regions, that they subsequently conquered that they should also have Mountains as a terrain choice. Surely, it is just a matter of play-balance.
The rules don't really cover siege warfare and the battle of Diayucheng, as I understand it, was actually really a siege of a fortified castle/city on a mountain. |