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Schiltron 2022 - 19th & 20th March 2022 Theme updated
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Inscrit le: 20 Déc 2017
Messages: 181
MessagePosté le: Mar Nov 09, 2021 12:07 pm    Sujet du message: Schiltron 2022 - 19th & 20th March 2022 Theme updated Répondre en citant
Hello everyone,

I hope this finds everyone well.
Schiltron 2021 was a great success in October, but for 2022 we are proposing that Schiltron moves back to it's traditional date towards the end of March.

The details

Dates and venue: 19th & 20th March 2022 at the Beancross & Newlands Community Centre, Montgomery Street, Grangemouth, Scotland FK3 8QR

Maximum number of players: As many as want to play, it's a decent sized hall and we've got plenty of tables - Covid rules dependent (fingers crossed it's manageable by then).
Number of rounds: 5 games - 3 on the Saturday and 2 on the Sunday
Format: 200 points, single list
Scale: 15 mm
Theme: Biblical, any army from the Ancients section, that is armies 1-37. Any allies must come from this same section. No more than 3 of any army will be allowed, so lets see a bit of variety.

Special procedures: Version 4 of the rules, with any FAQs or Amendments issued prior to the dates.
1st round pairing: TBA
The cost will be £30, which will include lunch and tea/coffee and soft drinks on both days

If you need or want any further information, and any entries or expressions of interest to me at the following email address -

Hope to see you there,

Cheers, Gary
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Inscrit le: 20 Déc 2017
Messages: 181
MessagePosté le: Lun Jan 31, 2022 5:21 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant
Now we've got the very successful Scottish Open completed, it's time for an update on Schiltron.

Yesterday's reminder at Tradeston must have worked, as we've gone from 1 correct list submitted to 7.

To no-ones surprise, the Sargonid list is now sold out, and there's only 1 NKE left.

First correct list submitted bags it.
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Inscrit le: 20 Déc 2017
Messages: 181
MessagePosté le: Mar Fév 01, 2022 7:49 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant
Lists are rolling in, sold out so far are -

no.9 Sargonid
no.37 Zhou/Spring and Autumn Chinese

9 different lists chosen in addition to the 2 sold out, so the hoped for variety is looking good.
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Inscrit le: 28 Jan 2016
Messages: 742
Localisation: Rugby & CLWC
MessagePosté le: Mar Fév 08, 2022 8:33 am    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant
Maybe this explains why I can't get a cheap hotel room for Schiltron Very Happy

Putting the ink into incompetence
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Inscrit le: 20 Déc 2017
Messages: 181
MessagePosté le: Mar Fév 08, 2022 10:05 am    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant
Well, they've been talking about making improvements for years.....

List 30 Myceneans now sold out.
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Inscrit le: 20 Déc 2017
Messages: 181
MessagePosté le: Lun Fév 28, 2022 3:34 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant
Hi Guys,

An update and final call for entries for Schiltron 2022.

There are a few people who intimated interest who have still to confirm they are attending. We are currently sitting at 28, so a bit of space left if anyone wants to join us.

I'd like army lists in by close of play on the 7th March please, to

About 75% of lists have already been submitted correctly, which means the following armies are sold out - Sargonid; Neo-Babylonian; New Kingdom Egyptian; Mycenean and Zhou/S&A Chinese. There is 1 spot left for Vedic Indian.

Hope to see you soon,

Cheers, Gary
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Inscrit le: 20 Déc 2017
Messages: 181
MessagePosté le: Mer Mar 09, 2022 3:30 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant
Schiltron 2022 Runners and Riders

1. Gary Lind - Falkirk – Celts
2. Frazer Watson - Falkirk – Spring and Autumn Chinese
3. Gordon Miller - Falkirk - Sargonid
4. Mark Taylor - Falkirk – Hurri-Mitanni
5. John Muir - Falkirk – Hyksos
6. David Dryden - Falkirk– New Kingdom Egyptian
7. David Burns – Falkirk - New Kingdom Egyptian
8. Mike Kemp – Elgin - Amorite Highlanders
9. Hugh Cameron – Tradeston - Phoenicians of Cyprus
10. Graham Short – Tradeston - Vedic
11. Jim Gibson – Tradeston - Sea Peoples
12. Bill Robertson – Tradeston – Hittites
13. George Dick – GDWS - Medes
14. Stuart Livingstone – Carluke - New Kingdom Egyptian
15. John Preston – Carluke – Mycenaeans
16. Hunter Hope – Perth- Neo-Babylonian
17. Jim Copeland – Perth - Indus Valley
18. Keith Martin-Smith – HexWar - Neo-Babylonian
19. Bob Middlemist - Durham – Sargonid
20. Graeme Carroll – Durham – Neo-Babylonian
21. Chris Proudfoot – Durham - Ancient Bedouin
22. Anthony Robinson - – Durham - Vedic Indian
23. Carl Spalding – Durham - Mycenaeans
24. Rob Taylor – Halifax - Sargonid
25. Adrian Steer – Halifax - Kassite Babylonian
26. Dave Allan – CLWC - Mycenaeans
27. Gordon Jamieson – CLWC - Zhou &Spring and Autumn Chinese
28. Andrew Fyfe – unattached - Zhou and S&A Chinese

To save you the bother of counting, we have 3 each of Neo-Babylonian; Sargonid; New Kingdom Egyptian; Mycenean and Zhou/S&A Chinese; 2 Vedic Indian and 1 each of Amorite Highlanders; Kassite Babylonian; Hyskos; Ancient Bedouin; Hittites, Hurri-Mitanni; Sea Peoples; Medes; Phoenicians of Cyprus; Celts and Indus Valley.

That's 17 different armies from the 37 available, which is a decent spread, so thanks for being inventive.

Cheers, Gary
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Inscrit le: 20 Déc 2017
Messages: 181
MessagePosté le: Jeu Mar 10, 2022 10:15 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant
1st Round Draw

1. Gary Lind v Andrew Fyfe
2. Frazer Watson v Jim Copeland
3. Gordon Miller v Mike Kemp
4. Mark Taylor v Gordon Jamieson
5. John Muir v Adrian Steer
6. David Dryden v Chris Proudfoot
7. David Burns v Graeme Carroll
8. Hugh Cameron v Keith Martin-Smith
9. Graham Short v Dave Allan
10. Jim Gibson v Bob Middlemist
11. Bill Robertson v Hunter Hope
12. George Dick v Rob Taylor
13. Stuart Livingstone v Carl Spalding
14. John Preston v Tony Robinson
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Inscrit le: 20 Déc 2017
Messages: 181
MessagePosté le: Dim Mar 20, 2022 5:36 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant
Full results to follow, but congratulations to the Neo-Babylonians of Keith Martin-Smith who were top of the pile.
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Inscrit le: 28 Mar 2015
Messages: 55
MessagePosté le: Lun Mar 28, 2022 9:29 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant
Any idea when the full results will be out.

Cheers Very Happy
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Inscrit le: 20 Déc 2017
Messages: 181
MessagePosté le: Lun Mar 28, 2022 10:40 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant
Player Club I Units O Round 1 Cum O Round 2 Cum O Round 3 Cum Cum Sat O Round4 Cum O Round 5 Cum
Keith Martin-Smith 1014 HexWar U 21 Q 55 C 91 146 R 88 234 234 G 52 286 O 90 376
Gary Lind 1168 Falkirk y 31 25 L 85 110 M 83 193 193 A 88 281 G 90 371
Jim Gibson 1538 Tradeston S 28 E 83 A 42 125 T 85 210 210 K 39 249 C 93 342
Rob Taylor 1318 Halifax X 22 L 85 O 90 175 G 21 196 196 H 48 244 K 85 329
Chris Proudfoot 1319 Durham G 29 J 89 K 85 174 X 89 263 263 U 36 299 Y 20 319
Carl Spalding 1448 Durham F 27 K 19 V 51 70 W 52 122 122 D 92 214 A 86 300
Graeme Carroll 1161 Durham O 23 I 85 X 20 105 D 87 192 192 R 88 280 U 20 300
Dave Allan 768 CLWC H 27 P 47 B 86 133 A 58 191 191 X 48 239 Q 50 289
John Muir 1219 Falkirk T 24 A 29 P 90 119 S 25 144 144 W 85 229 M 50 279
Hugh Cameron 834 Tradeston Q 22 U 37 E 82 119 K 29 148 148 P 83 231 H 47 278
Frazer Watson 1509 Falkirk K 24 F 91 G 25 116 Q 81 197 197 S 50 247 X 25 272
Mark Taylor 833 Falkirk V 22 M 25 F 42 67 B 91 158 158 C 30 188 R 84 272
Gordon Jamieson 715 CLWC M 25 V 85 R 29 114 Y 27 141 141 J 85 226 T 41 267
Anthony Robinson 1447 Durham C 26 W 58 U 19 77 N 89 166 166 V 80 246 S 17 263
Hunter Hope 1505 Perth- R 23 D 83 M 81 164 U 22 186 186 O 22 208 V 26 234
Bill Robertson 836 Tradeston D 25 R 27 J 81 108 O 23 131 131 F 18 149 W 82 231
Adrian Steer 803 Halifax A 24 T 81 S 51 132 H 58 190 190 Y 22 212 F 14 226
Graham Short 1171 Tradeston P 25 H 44 T 20 64 E 81 145 145 Q 27 172 L 45 217
George Dick 835 GDWS L 20 X 25 Y 25 50 J 24 74 74 B 90 164 P 49 213
David Dryden 1576 Falkirk J 23 G 21 D 29 50 L 86 136 136 M 25 161 N 49 210
Gordon Miller 1131 Falkirk N 22 B 50 W 41 91 C 21 112 112 E 46 158 J 46 204
Mike Kemp 832 Elgin W 31 C 58 N 44 102 F 40 142 142 T 25 167 D 28 195
Andrew Fyfe N101 unattached B 26 N 44 H 24 68 V 19 87 87 L 20 107 E 81 188
Bob Middlemist 1222 Durham E 23 S 27 Q 28 55 P 29 84 84 N 46 130 B 29 159
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