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One Day Event - Oxford - 15 Jan 2022
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Inscrit le: 14 Oct 2014
Messages: 351
Localisation: Oxford
MessagePosté le: Dim Nov 07, 2021 11:24 am    Sujet du message: One Day Event - Oxford - 15 Jan 2022 Répondre en citant
Hi all,

For those who are not already aware, a series of one-day events are being arranged for 2022. These events will be referred to as the 'Southern ADLG League' and will run concurrently with the Northern League.

Although further details will be provided in due course, the first event will be hosted in Oxford on Saturday 15 January. Entrance fees will be of the order of £10 and the theme will have something to do with the Silk Road in 100 BC (when the Han empire first made contact with the Parthians).

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Inscrit le: 14 Oct 2014
Messages: 351
Localisation: Oxford
MessagePosté le: Ven Nov 12, 2021 5:51 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant
Han records describe how in 100BC Chinese envoys were met by a force of 20,000 Parthians at the oasys site of Merv. From here, the Han envoys were escorted to the Iranian capital of Hecatompylos, with the Parthian king subsequently instructing his own ambassadors to travel eastward, so that they could understand the full extent and power of the Han Empire. These meetings laid the foundations for the silk road, which would come to dominate overland trade between the eastern and western worlds for centuries to come.

In celebration of this event, you are cordially invited to attend a one-day ADLG event at Dean Court Community Centre, in Oxford. The event will be held on 15 January 2022 between 0900 and 1730.

All armies shall be 15mm scale with a maximum point value of 200 points. All armies shall be dated 100BC and drawn from the following pool (note that allies are allowed, but must also be drawn from the same pool):

46 – Graeco Bactrian & Graeco Indian
74 – Aramaean
75 – Early Arab
76 – Scythian
79 – Classical Indian
81 – Qiang & Di
102 – Parthian
107 – Kushan
115 – Xiongnu
116 – Han Chinese

Entry fee is £10 and will be collected on the day.

Please register your interest to

A shuttle service can be arranged between the train station and venue.

Although the venue does include a small kitchen, there are no shops / fast food outlets within easy walking distance. If people are interested, I can arrange for a buffet lunch to be provided (for an additional cost).

Dernière édition par Longtooth le Sam Nov 13, 2021 9:43 am; édité 1 fois
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Inscrit le: 23 Aoû 2021
Messages: 542
Localisation: Texas
MessagePosté le: Ven Nov 12, 2021 8:32 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant
Longtooth a écrit:
Han records describe how in 100BC Chinese envoys were met by a force comprising some 20,000 Parthians at the Oasys site of Merv. From here, the Han envoys were escorted to the Iranian capital of Hecatompylos, with the Parthian king subsequently instructing his own ambassadors to travel eastward, so that they could understand the full extent and power of the Han Empire.

In celebration of this event, you are cordially invited to attend a one-day ADLG event at Dean Court Community Centre, in Oxford. The event will be held on 15 January 2022 between 0900 and 1730.

All armies shall be 15mm scale with a maximum point value of 200 points. All armies shall be dated 100BC and drawn from the following pool (note that allies are allowed, but must also be drawn from the same pool):

46 – Graeco Bactrian & Graeco Indian
74 – Aramaean
75 – Early Arab
76 – Scythian
79 – Classical Indian
81 – Qiang & Di
102 – Parthian
107 – Kushan
115 – Xiongnu
116 – Han Chinese

Entry fee is £10 and will be collected on the day.

Please register your interest to

A shuttle service can be arranged between the train station and venue.

Although the venue does include a small kitchen, there are no shops / fast food outlets within easy walking distance. If people are interested, I can arrange for a buffet lunch to be provided (for an additional cost).

Clever theme, too bad it’s such a long way from Texas. (Further than the Han envoys had to travel…)
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Inscrit le: 14 Oct 2014
Messages: 351
Localisation: Oxford
MessagePosté le: Ven Nov 26, 2021 9:51 am    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant
Hi All,

Just an update to say that 17 people have already registered for this event. If you are interested in attending, please email me soon, as I only have enough tables for 28 participants.

I am hoping that this event will be particularly attractive to the less experienced players who are otherwise unable to attend the larger, two-day events.

Ta-ta for now,
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Inscrit le: 14 Oct 2014
Messages: 351
Localisation: Oxford
MessagePosté le: Mar Déc 07, 2021 8:28 am    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant
Here is a listing of the people signed up thus far. It is possible that I have missed an email or two, so please get in touch if you think you should be on the list.

David Allen
Philip Powell
Gordon Jamieson
David Fairhurst
Lynda Fairhurst
Ian Sewell
Paul Frith
Darrell Pearce
Harrison Pearce
Mark Littleton-Gray
Simon Ellis
Steve Wattling
Steve Nice
John Dennis
Charles Masefield
Richard Case
Dave Saunders
Philip Mackie
David Roberts
Hubert Bretagne
Pete Sanger
Andy Gilbert
Sean Walker
Andy Finkel
David Madigan

I will also play if there is an odd number of players.

Army lists will need to be submitted to for checking by 26 December 2021.


Dernière édition par Longtooth le Lun Déc 27, 2021 12:17 pm; édité 3 fois
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Inscrit le: 14 Oct 2014
Messages: 351
Localisation: Oxford
MessagePosté le: Mar Déc 21, 2021 9:23 am    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant
Hi All,

Assuming that any post-Christmas lockdown will not be longer than two weeks, this event should still be going ahead. We still have a few spaces remaining, so please let me know if you would like to come.

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Inscrit le: 14 Oct 2014
Messages: 351
Localisation: Oxford
MessagePosté le: Lun Déc 27, 2021 9:33 am    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant
Thank you to all who managed to submit their lists on time and to Paul Johnston for checking the lists.

Darrell, Harrison, Charles, and Steve Nice are officially on the naught list.....please send your lists to me as soon as possible.

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Inscrit le: 14 Oct 2014
Messages: 351
Localisation: Oxford
MessagePosté le: Mar Déc 28, 2021 11:36 am    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant
Runners and Riders are summarised below. I will publish the draw closer to the date.

1. Sean Walker 46 Graeco Bactrian
2. Dave Fairhurst 46 Graeco Bactrian
3. Lynda Fairhurst 79 Classical Indian
4. Gordon Jamieson 46 Graeco Bactrian
5. Simon Ellis 102 Parthian
6. David Roberts 116 Han
7. Mark Littleton-Gray 76 Skythian
8. Philip Mackie 79 Classical Indian
9. Philip Powell 102 Parthian
10. Ian Sewell 75 Early Arab
11. Andy Finkell 79 Classical Indian
12. David Saunders 76 Skythian
13. Andy Gilbert 116 Han
14. Richard Case 116 Han
15. Colin Whittaker 46 Graeco Bactrian
16. Dave Allen 79 Classical Indian
17. John Dennis 79 Classical Indian
18. Hubert Bretagne 116 Han
19. Pete Sanger 102 Parthian
20. Paul Frith 46 Graeco Bactrian
21. Steve Watling 79 Classical Indian
22. Stephen Nice 46 Graeco Bactrian
23. Darrell Pearce 46 Graeco Indian
24. Harrison Pearce 46 Graeco Indian
25. David Madigan 46 Graeco Bactrian
26. Charles Masefield 75 Early Arab

Although there are more Graeco-Bactrian armies that I would have liked, this is only a one-day event so hopefully people will not get too bored.

Assuming that the event is allowed to proceed, the venue is large enough to space individual tables 2m apart and we will be able to open the windows.
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Inscrit le: 14 Oct 2014
Messages: 351
Localisation: Oxford
MessagePosté le: Jeu Jan 06, 2022 11:09 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant
Hi Folks,

On the basis that further Covid restrictions are looking unlikely, here is the first round draw:

1 Simon Ellis 102 Parthian
1 Harrison Pearce 46 Graeco Indian
2 Mark Littleton-Gray 76 Skythian
2 Ian Sewell 75 Early Arab
3 David Madigan 46 Graeco Bactrian
3 David Saunders 76 Skythian
4 Hubert Bretagne 116 Han
4 Dave Fairhurst 46 Graeco Bactrian
5 Steve Watling 79 Classical Indian
5 Colin Whittaker 46 Graeco Bactrian
6 Paul Frith 46 Graeco Bactrian
6 Charles Masefield 75 Early Arab
7 Andy Gilbert 116 Han
7 Lynda Fairhurst 79 Classical Indian
8 David Roberts 116 Han
8 Gordon Jamieson 46 Graeco Bactrian
9 Philip Powell 102 Parthian
9 Darrell Pearce 46 Graeco Indian
10 Dave Allen 79 Classical Indian
10 Stephen Nice 46 Graeco Bactrian
11 John Dennis 79 Classical Indian
11 Pete Sanger 102 Parthian
12 Sean Walker 46 Graeco Bactrian
12 Andy Finkell 79 Classical Indian
13 Philip Mackie 79 Classical Indian
13 Richard Case 116 Han

Please note that this is random draw. If you find yourself playing against your regular opponent, I am sure that we can amend the pairings on the day.

Looking forward to seeing you all on 15 January,
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Inscrit le: 14 Oct 2014
Messages: 351
Localisation: Oxford
MessagePosté le: Sam Jan 15, 2022 7:06 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant
Final results are as follows:

Case Richard Han 280
Schoor Jesse Graeco Bactrian 252
Pearce Darrell Graeco Indian 229
Pearce Harrison Graeco Indian 223
Jamieson Gordon Graeco Bactrian 223
Watling Steve Indian 206
Sewel Ian Early Arab 206
Allen Dave Indian 192
Gilbert Andy Han 183
Dennis John Indian 177
Madigan David Graeco Bactrian 169
Saunders David Skythian 159
Littleton-G Mark Skythian 152
Roberts David Han 144
Mackie Philip Indian 132
Fairhurst Lynda Indian 132
Masefield Charles Early Arab 130
Finkel Andy Indian 129
Sanger Pete Parthain 129
Ellis Simon Parthian 128
Fairhurst Dave Graeco Bactrian 127
Frith Paul Graeco Bactrian 122
Walker Sean Graeco Bactrian 103
Nice Steve Graeco Bactrian 99
Powell Philip Parthain 78
Whittaker Colin Graeco Bactrian 42

Thank you all who to attended and congratulations to our Grand Champion, Mr Richard Case.

Looking forward to seeing everyone at London on 08 May for the next round.

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