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Unit 'fighting' in 2 directions at the same time?
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Ramses II
Magister Militum

Inscrit le: 17 Juil 2015
Messages: 1160
Localisation: London
MessagePosté le: Mer Mai 24, 2023 8:47 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant
Consider a melee where a Red unit that was in melee support against Blue unit #1, is itself flanked by another Blue unit #2.

Mark’s concern is that, while the Red unit is now in melee against Blue #2,  the Red unit still has an effect on the melee involving Blue #1.

Hazelbark has stated the bald rules.
However, we should also note this situation only lasts one turn, after which Red would turn to conform on B2, which removes the effects of the situation. 

While I understand the proposed rule change, I am very unsure that it is needed given the limited effect 
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Mark G Fry

Inscrit le: 15 Juin 2017
Messages: 337
Localisation: Bristol, UK
MessagePosté le: Mer Mai 24, 2023 8:56 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant
Hazelbark a écrit:
Mark G Fry a écrit:

I think we are getting distracted by the fact that the unit flank attacking the Bowmen was LC - that is not my point.

My 'concern' is that the Bowmen - even if they had been hit in the flank by a supported Elephant - would still be exerting a negative fighting impact on the Knights - but would not suffer a -1 Cohesion level drop as they are not considered fighting to their front whilst hit in the flank by another heavy unit - when the rules seem to imply that they are actually fighting to their front.

Let's leave the light unit exception aside.

Any unit with its front on the flank of another unit, that then has a 2nd enemy put their front on its flank is fighting in two directions, will take a cohesion loss and will be set to zero. Further it will not contribute any positive modifiers to the combat on its front. p 66 diagram

OK Dan - that one phrase in example on Page 66 ('...cannot now provide melee support) is not what you have stated above.
What you have said is "Further it will not contribute any positive modifiers to the combat on its front", which is your own wording. That is incorrect sadly.
If the rules stated that, I'd be very happy, but it doesn't Confused
In fact, the next sentence in the example on Page 66 explicitly states " Cv1 still counts as being attacked from the flank until the MI has conformed with Cv2". Which would not happen until the next game turn.

So the issue is not resolved, unfortunately. The problem remains that the 'flanking' unit is still in effect fighting in two directions. It may not be able to inflict any casualties on Cv1 - but it only did that by supporting the HI (in melee support) previously. However, it continues to influences the melee to its front - although not as a melee support - but by taking away the Knights impact & making them fight on a base of '0'.
The fact is that in my own example the Knights moved/charge into this position voluntarily - means they do not get the Cohesion drop (see page 61 - Multiple Attacks, Special cases) - and the fact that it was LC that hit the flanking Bowmen in their own flank, also meant that the Bowmen didn't drop. But even if they had been hit by a heavy enemy unit to their flank, it still would not have effected the influence they were bringing to bare on the Knights.

The rules are very clear - I am not arguing that - that is not my point - what I am arguing against is the irrationality of a unit effectively fighting in two directions at once, in this contrived defensive set-up.
In no other circumstance does this occur in the rules. It is an oddity that can & is being exploited.

I am arguing that a change is required to prevent this game-play please.
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Mark G Fry

Inscrit le: 15 Juin 2017
Messages: 337
Localisation: Bristol, UK
MessagePosté le: Mer Mai 24, 2023 9:20 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant
Ramses II a écrit:
Consider a melee where a Red unit that was in melee support against Blue unit #1, is itself flanked by another Blue unit #2.

Mark’s concern is that, while the Red unit is now in melee against Blue #2,  the Red unit still has an effect on the melee involving Blue #1.

Hazelbark has stated the bald rules.
However, we should also note this situation only lasts one turn, after which Red would turn to conform on B2, which removes the effects of the situation. 

While I understand the proposed rule change, I am very unsure that it is needed given the limited effect 

Thankyou for taking my ramblings and distilling them down Ramses.
If this was an isolated incident I'd probably not have raised it. However, this is at least the 2nd time I've had a similar situation recently (from different and un-related opponents in open competition) and it appears to now to be coming a standard defensive approach.

By advancing & turning the unit of Bowmen to create a flanking 'box' in front of its colleague Bowmen (which was already damaged) a situation was created whereby the damaged Bowmen to the front of the Knights was 'artificially' protected - the Knights could either chose not to charge in (acting as a support to the LC fighting the flank of the moving Bowmen) - thus giving the damaged Bowman a chance to rally or withdraw. Or they charged in and had their fighting factor reduced significantly . So in effect the Knights went from an initial fighting factor of '+3' v the Bowmen to a '0' and no Ferocious charge, with the Bowmen on a '0'(damaged -1, +1 for 1st round against Mtd) much better odds.
I agree that next round the odds for the damaged Bowmen drops to -1 v +2 for the Knights & the Knights are in a much better position, but I still think it is a very 'gamey' tactic.

As the knights are not behind the flank of the 'flanking' Bowmen they cannot simply slide/conform onto their flank + they are ZoC'd by the damaged Bowman to their front anyway.

All very odd IMHO.
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Magister Militum

Inscrit le: 01 Nov 2014
Messages: 1474
Localisation: Londres Centraal.
MessagePosté le: Mer Mai 24, 2023 10:17 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant
Mark G Fry a écrit:
KevinD a écrit:
“When a unit already in melee, or in melee support, is attacked by a new enemy (other than light troops, artillery or WWg) on its flank or rear edge, it immediately loses one cohesion point.†P61, 1st bullet.

So in your example, the unit in melee support hit in the flank by an elephant would lose a cohesion point. The flank support it provides however would not be at -1 as no modifiers are applied to melee support, only the unit’s base factor +1.

I think you're incorrect here Kevin.
The Bowmen unit is not classified as fighting an enemy unit on its front edge - as it is incapable of inflicting casualties on the knight.

Kevin has quoted from the rulebook, and has done so correctly. Your Theoretical Bowmen are in melee support, and are then attacked by a new enemy. That is stated as causing a cohesion loss, and so does indeed cause a cohesion loss.

I think the root cause of your confusion may be a a misguided expectation that the rules will be built upon some immutable basic principles, and should be internally consistent in how such principles are applied.

The problem with this approach is that ADLG rules are not, and do not even try to be totally logically consistent in this way (which coudl be described as a Barkeresque sense of the phrase).

Instead they are written in the style of French Napoleonic Law. That is, each rule is first stated as a simple, general case and then specific situations where this general case does not apply are simply listed out.

If you are looking for a "theory of everything" and total intellectual consistency in ADLG I am afraid you are therefore doomed to fail in that endeavour, as the rules, and indeed the entire system of thought under which they have been written under simply do not work like that. Inconsistency is baked into the system, but the upside of this is that clarity is also baked in in a way which Barkerese rules struggle to do.

The rules clearly say what happens in this situation.

So, that is what happens.
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Ramses II
Magister Militum

Inscrit le: 17 Juil 2015
Messages: 1160
Localisation: London
MessagePosté le: Jeu Mai 25, 2023 11:48 am    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant
Further to Madaxman’s comments, IMHO ADLG is a game that bears no more similarity to real battles than chess.

And to the point about advancing and turning a lowly bowman to protect the front of a friendly unit, this is an in-game tactic for the particular game being played.
It is the same as saying that a black bishop cannot attack a white square, or that a queen on a black diagonal has to move in order to attack a white diagonal (because it does not also have a knights move).
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Mark G Fry

Inscrit le: 15 Juin 2017
Messages: 337
Localisation: Bristol, UK
MessagePosté le: Jeu Mai 25, 2023 2:50 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant
Thankyou all.

I write commercial wargames rules, so I understand the points about ADLG being a game, not an attempt to replicate real life.

My 'challenge' is not that what occurred in the game I played was a breach of a particular ADLG rule.
I am very aware that what my opponent did was perfectly 'legal'.
My 'challenge' is whether this should be allowed to continue to be used/allowed, as there is a danger that it could potentially become a regular table top tactic, like the old 'buttocks of death' game play in DBA/M, that could brings the rules into disrepute.

In reply to Tim's comment about the flanking Bowmen being in melee support. The wording at the bottom of Page 60. Support states:
"A unit in melee against an enemy can receive support from other units that are not in melee with another enemy. NB: this bold is from the rules.

Therefore, my reading of that, in this circumstance is that the flanking Bowman is not in melee support, as it is fighting the Light Cavalry to its flank. The same would surely apply if it was hit in the flank by a 'heavy' unit, so therefore it would not drop a cohesion point.
I am aware that the example on Page 66 states: "The MI unit suffers a multiple attack, losing one cohesion point immediately". But it is already in melee support at that point. So the sequence of play is important here. If (as was the case in my game) the LC charges the flanking Bowmen in the flank first, then the Knights charge, the flanking Bowmen never gets to provide melee support to the other Bowmen unit charged by the Knights.

As the flanking Bowman is not providing melee support, the question is whether it is or it not, counted as being in melee to its front with the knights?
I'd argue that it is not as it is not providing melee support.
Allowing the flanking Bowmen to fight to their flank (against the LC) but still adversely influence the enemy to their front seems highly illogical to me.

But if that is the way, that is the way!

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Magister Militum

Inscrit le: 01 Nov 2014
Messages: 1474
Localisation: Londres Centraal.
MessagePosté le: Jeu Mai 25, 2023 5:00 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant
Mark G Fry a écrit:
Thankyou all.

I write commercial wargames rules, so I understand the points about ADLG being a game, not an attempt to replicate real life.

My 'challenge' is not that what occurred in the game I played was a breach of a particular ADLG rule.
I am very aware that what my opponent did was perfectly 'legal'.
My 'challenge' is whether this should be allowed to continue to be used/allowed, as there is a danger that it could potentially become a regular table top tactic, like the old 'buttocks of death' game play in DBA/M, that could brings the rules into disrepute.

In reply to Tim's comment about the flanking Bowmen being in melee support. The wording at the bottom of Page 60. Support states:
"A unit in melee against an enemy can receive support from other units that are not in melee with another enemy. NB: this bold is from the rules.

Therefore, my reading of that, in this circumstance is that the flanking Bowman is not in melee support, as it is fighting the Light Cavalry to its flank. The same would surely apply if it was hit in the flank by a 'heavy' unit, so therefore it would not drop a cohesion point.
I am aware that the example on Page 66 states: "The MI unit suffers a multiple attack, losing one cohesion point immediately". But it is already in melee support at that point. So the sequence of play is important here. If (as was the case in my game) the LC charges the flanking Bowmen in the flank first, then the Knights charge, the flanking Bowmen never gets to provide melee support to the other Bowmen unit charged by the Knights.

As the flanking Bowman is not providing melee support, the question is whether it is or it not, counted as being in melee to its front with the knights?
I'd argue that it is not as it is not providing melee support.
Allowing the flanking Bowmen to fight to their flank (against the LC) but still adversely influence the enemy to their front seems highly illogical to me.

But if that is the way, that is the way!


The flanking bowmen is in melee support when it is hit. It therefore drops a cohesion level, as the rules state you drop a level on beng hit by a new enemy when you are providing melee support.

From that point on, as you point out, the bowmen no longer provide "melee support", and does not therefore give any extra factors to any unit involved in any other combat apart from their own, new combat.

On page 63, in the section about Flank Attacks, the rules state that if an unit is in melee and has an enemy on its flank or rear, its combat factor is reduced to zero.

What this rules do not say is the combat factor is reduced to zero is if it has a unit counting as being in melee support on its flank.

Your Theoretical Bowmen are still "on the flank" of the initial enemy, even when they have been enegaged in combat by a new opponent and so are not providing "melee support".

This is the situation as described in the rules, and this is intentional.
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Inscrit le: 09 Jan 2023
Messages: 138
MessagePosté le: Jeu Mai 25, 2023 6:23 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant
Tim, if the LH strike first, then the Kn move into the 'L' there is no cohesion hit because the Kn are not attacking the LMI.
So it's asymmetrical and therefore quirky and quirky isn't good.

Even weirder, what if the Kn's target is Javelinmen and they evade?-) (I assume the Kn cannot pursue nor conform to the flank, but I haven't checked.)
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Inscrit le: 14 Oct 2014
Messages: 350
Localisation: Oxford
MessagePosté le: Jeu Mai 25, 2023 6:56 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant
For what it's worth, I have always played in accordance with Tim's interpretation*. The knight fights on zero because he has an enemy on his flank. The fact that the flanking bowman is involved in his own combat is irrelevant.

* I should also admit to being Mark's 'gamey' opponent
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Magister Militum

Inscrit le: 01 Nov 2014
Messages: 1474
Localisation: Londres Centraal.
MessagePosté le: Jeu Mai 25, 2023 7:58 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant
Neep a écrit:
Tim, if the LH strike first, then the Kn move into the 'L' there is no cohesion hit because the Kn are not attacking the LMI.
So it's asymmetrical and therefore quirky and quirky isn't good.

Even weirder, what if the Kn's target is Javelinmen and they evade?-) (I assume the Kn cannot pursue nor conform to the flank, but I haven't checked.)

Having lived through the original DBM era, personally I think I'd challenge the phrase "So it's asymmetrical and therefore quirky and quirky isn't good." Cool

IMO. one of the best things about ADLG and the way Herve and the DT seem to have chosen to run things is in how they appear not to give a single toss about trying to accommodate extreme quirky corner case situations such as these in the rules, nor do they appear inclined in the slightest to respond to the demands of the more OCD wargamers* out there who want everything in the rules to be intellectually consistent and "symmetrical".

If there's a 'glitch' in an extreme corner case situation like this (which there always is in any ruleset), the choices an author faces are simply leaving it be and living with it, or shoehorning reams of increasingly arcane text into the rulebook in an effort to try and reverse engineer a way out of something that almost never happens without breaking something else in the process, or incdeed leaving the rulebook looking wildly offputting to new players.

Herve seems to have chosen the former option with ADLG, and I say all power to his French elbow for doing so IMO - we've all seen the alternative, and frankly it is far, far worse!

(* that's all of us really, if we're honest with one another Smile )
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Mark G Fry

Inscrit le: 15 Juin 2017
Messages: 337
Localisation: Bristol, UK
MessagePosté le: Jeu Mai 25, 2023 10:31 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant
Longtooth a écrit:
For what it's worth, I have always played in accordance with Tim's interpretation*. The knight fights on zero because he has an enemy on his flank. The fact that the flanking bowman is involved in his own combat is irrelevant.

* I should also admit to being Mark's 'gamey' opponent

You are not the only one Very Happy (& I would say we had a good game despite this particular situation).

I've had this done to me a couple of times now. Or should I say I've allowed myself to fall into this same ' trap' a couple of time, and not just with you Longtooth Shocked

If this is the way the game is being played, then so be it. It just makes for some very odd game play to my mind.

And i still think the wording is contradictory. Hey ho!
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Mark G Fry

Inscrit le: 15 Juin 2017
Messages: 337
Localisation: Bristol, UK
MessagePosté le: Jeu Mai 25, 2023 11:39 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant
madaxeman a écrit:

The flanking bowmen is in melee support when it is hit. It therefore drops a cohesion level, as the rules state you drop a level on being hit by a new enemy when you are providing melee support.

> yes, if the attacking unit is heavy (of course) - I can see that. This does however assume that the combats are simultaneous. Would this same result occur if the bowmen were hit in the flank as the first action & then the knights charged into other bowmen to their front, as a second action. As at the time the bowmen were hit in their flank, they were not actually in contact with the knights.

From that point on, as you point out, the bowmen no longer provide "melee support", and does not therefore give any extra factors to any unit involved in any other combat apart from their own, new combat.

> Agreed - except that the bowman do still appear to cause the Knights to lose their Impact and Ferocious charge - as stated on Page 63 - Flank or rear attack - 2nd bullet? Or is this not considered a Flank Attack now?

On page 63, in the section about Flank Attacks, the rules state that if an unit is in melee and has an enemy on its flank or rear, its combat factor is reduced to zero.

What this rules do not say is the combat factor is reduced to zero is if it has a unit counting as being in melee support on its flank.

> now you are really confusing me Tim Laughing Are you saying that in this situation the Knights do actually fight on their full factor (+2 against the Bowmen to their front)?

Your Theoretical Bowmen are still "on the flank" of the initial enemy, even when they have been engaged in combat by a new opponent and so are not providing "melee support".

This is the situation as described in the rules, and this is intentional.

> OK. That is very interesting. So by this reading, the factors in this scenario (based on the above) work out as follows:

a). the LC hit the Bowmen in the flank (LC fighting on a +1 for flank attack & the Bowmen fight at a +1 against the LC) - the Bowmen do not drop a Cohesion level as their flank attacker is a Light unit and the Bowmen do not get a +1 for fighting mounted in the 1st round as they are not fighting the LC on their front edge (p.17 Missile Weapons)

b). the Knights now charge the other Bowmen frontally - these Bowmen fight on a +1 (fighting mounted frontally in 1st round) and the Knights fight on a +2 (against all) but the Knights do not get their Impact or Ferocious charge as they have the other bowmen unit on their flank. The Knights do not drop a Cohesion level as they have 'voluntarily' charged into this situation.

Is that the correct reading of things Tim?

My comments/questions in-line above, in italics.

Many thanks
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Magister Militum

Inscrit le: 01 Nov 2014
Messages: 1474
Localisation: Londres Centraal.
MessagePosté le: Ven Mai 26, 2023 9:59 am    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant
Mark G Fry a écrit:
madaxeman a écrit:

The flanking bowmen is in melee support when it is hit. It therefore drops a cohesion level, as the rules state you drop a level on being hit by a new enemy when you are providing melee support.

> yes, if the attacking unit is heavy (of course) - I can see that. This does however assume that the combats are simultaneous. Would this same result occur if the bowmen were hit in the flank as the first action & then the knights charged into other bowmen to their front, as a second action. As at the time the bowmen were hit in their flank, they were not actually in contact with the knights.

From that point on, as you point out, the bowmen no longer provide "melee support", and does not therefore give any extra factors to any unit involved in any other combat apart from their own, new combat.

> Agreed - except that the bowman do still appear to cause the Knights to lose their Impact and Ferocious charge - as stated on Page 63 - Flank or rear attack - 2nd bullet? Or is this not considered a Flank Attack now?

On page 63, in the section about Flank Attacks, the rules state that if an unit is in melee and has an enemy on its flank or rear, its combat factor is reduced to zero.

What this rules do not say is the combat factor is reduced to zero is if it has a unit counting as being in melee support on its flank.

> now you are really confusing me Tim Laughing Are you saying that in this situation the Knights do actually fight on their full factor (+2 against the Bowmen to their front)?

Your Theoretical Bowmen are still "on the flank" of the initial enemy, even when they have been engaged in combat by a new opponent and so are not providing "melee support".

This is the situation as described in the rules, and this is intentional.

> OK. That is very interesting. So by this reading, the factors in this scenario (based on the above) work out as follows:

a). the LC hit the Bowmen in the flank (LC fighting on a +1 for flank attack & the Bowmen fight at a +1 against the LC) - the Bowmen do not drop a Cohesion level as their flank attacker is a Light unit and the Bowmen do not get a +1 for fighting mounted in the 1st round as they are not fighting the LC on their front edge (p.17 Missile Weapons)

b). the Knights now charge the other Bowmen frontally - these Bowmen fight on a +1 (fighting mounted frontally in 1st round) and the Knights fight on a +2 (against all) but the Knights do not get their Impact or Ferocious charge as they have the other bowmen unit on their flank. The Knights do not drop a Cohesion level as they have 'voluntarily' charged into this situation.

Is that the correct reading of things Tim?

My comments/questions in-line above, in italics.

Many thanks

A unit with an enemy on its flank sees its own basic combat factor reduced to zero, and can no longer count some bonuses as well

A unit in a position of Melee Support adds extra factors to a friendly unit participating in the main combat.

If a unit in melee support is hit by another unit, it ceases to be in melee support as per the rules, and so stops adding factors to the main combat.

The unit it was in melee support against will however still have an enemy on its flank and so still suffers the ill effects of that as per the rules.

These are two different things.
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Inscrit le: 21 Nov 2017
Messages: 353
Localisation: Warrington, UK
MessagePosté le: Ven Mai 26, 2023 12:59 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant
This is great stuff. Details & rule philosophy included in a well mannered and erudite thread. I'm not sure about the rules being written in a "Code Napoleon" style though:
The key difference between these two systems is that [British] common law is a bottom-up legal system that implies, “What is not forbidden is permitted.†In other words, common law defines what you can’t do while leaving you free to do everything else, while the Napoleonic Code, also known as civil law, is a top-down system that often becomes a vastly more bureaucratic and controlling approach to governing citizens, effectively spelling out in detail what you can do, under a “Government knows best†mantra.

The rules clearly sate what you can & can't do, so it's a hybrid.

Well done Mark & Tim. The only drawback is I've nearly run put of popcorn. Cool
Martin Stephenson
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Mark G Fry

Inscrit le: 15 Juin 2017
Messages: 337
Localisation: Bristol, UK
MessagePosté le: Ven Mai 26, 2023 4:21 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant
[quote="Mark G Fry"]
madaxeman a écrit:

On page 63, in the section about Flank Attacks, the rules state that if an unit is in melee and has an enemy on its flank or rear, its combat factor is reduced to zero.
What this rules do not say is the combat factor is reduced to zero is if it has a unit counting as being in melee support on its flank.

Your Theoretical Bowmen are still "on the flank" of the initial enemy, even when they have been engaged in combat by a new opponent and so are not providing "melee support".

This is the situation as described in the rules, and this is intentional.

So, I am still confused Tim. Are you suggesting that what happens in this situation is that the Knights - having charged into the Bowman unit (A) to its front, but at the same time having the other Bowman unit (B) on its flank, which is not providing melee support to Bowmen (A) because it is itself attacked in the flank by enemy LC - fights on a '0' with no impact & no furious charge?

If so, then I am still not sure what the purpose of your statement above is?

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